Archivos de la etiqueta: PIRACY

Piracy Observatory 2018: Reawakening of legal consumption

Piracy experiences another 3% fall. In Spain, each time users access less to illegal contents, although piracy continues at high levels. In 2018, the number of Illegal contents to which public accessed was 4.348 million, which represents a decrease of 3% compared to 2017, and an accumulated fall since 2015 of 12%. The value of the above-mentioned contents is of 23,918 million euros and the damage caused to the sector reached 1,923 million euros. The Public Purse stopped receiving 638 million euros and with this amount, there could have been created 131,262 direct and indirect jobs. These are some of the most relevant data collected in the Piracy Observatory and Digital Contents Consumption Habits 2018, carried out by the independent consulting firm GfK and released today by the Coalition of Creators and Content Industries.

First Sanction from the Spanish Ministry of Culture for Piracy

Culture sanctions the web owner of X-Caleta with a fine of 375,000 Euros and the immediate ceasing of the activity. It is the first resolution approved by the Minister Jose Guirao in defense of the intellectual property rights. Music producers and la Coalicion de Creadores welcome positively the action taken by the new Spanish Minister of Culture.

World Intellectual Property Day 2018: Spanish Senate host to talk about the challenges of intellectual property in the digital environment

“Digital intellectual property protection is the epicenter of the collaboration between content industries and ISPs”

A close collaboration between creators and content industries, internet services providers, social networks, search engines, payment methods and advertising agents, supported by the Spanish legislator and Government, seems to be nowadays a priority for the different public administrations and for the legislator: this is the best recipe to complete efficiently the protection of the intellectual property in the digital environment, according to the majority of the speakers in the session at the Senate, promoted by La Coalicion and the USA Embassy in Spain, on the occasion of the World Intellectual Property Day.

Piracy Observatory 2017: Piracy down another 6%

Digital piracy has experienced a decrease in Spain for second consecutive year in terms of absolute figures, although the percentage of individuals accessing to pirate content remains the same. Thus, in 2017 there were 4.005 billion of digital illegal accesses to content with a market value of 21.899 billion euros. The loss profit suffered by the sector raised to 4.1% and reached to 1.857 billion euros. These are some of main results gathered by the Piracy observatory and digital content consumption habits 2017, carried out by independent consultant GFK and released this Friday by the Coalition of Creators and Content Industries and LaLiga.

Observatory 2016: Piracy down 4%

Though digital piracy has experienced a slight decrease in Spain in terms of absolute figures, the percentage of citizens accessing pirate content remains the same or even increases for some sectors such as music and leisure books. Thus, in 2016 there were 4.128 billion illegal accesses to content, 4.2% less that in 2015, with a value of 23.294 billion euros (-3.2%), but the loss profit suffered by cultural and content industries increased 6.8%, to 1.783 billion.